Monday, August 27, 2007

New Beginning

Good morning!

It's Monday and the official start of the DIS study program. I have "opening ceremony" at 11:15 then some more orientation group meetings. It was a good first day here as I met some different people around my kollegieum (read: dorm). My neighbor across the hall is Nepalese and he attends a school in Maine. It will be fun living by him. Went out to the neighborhood Norrebro by us. It has a lot of ethnic flair, with many Middle Eastern shops and restaurants along the streets. Oh, and we saw four 7-11s on the same street within an hour's walk or so. (Side note: landing at Copenhagen airport, I felt like I was still in America with Starbucks and Burger King. Then driving here, I see a BK and McDonald's). My room is nice too. I compare to a studio aparment: small bathroom;- kitchenette with small stove, fridge, and sink; desk with this computer, and a bed. My window view is the train. All in all, I am happy with it, especially having a single is nice.

The Copenhagen experience is nice, but I have no luggage. My flights got changed and I imagine my bags are just lost in the states. I hope! If I don't get them today, I'll have to do a little shopping. Frustration!

Three days of orientation/integration, etc. then classes start Thursday (Friday for me). Looking forward to it all, yet missing familiar faces. Time takes time you know.


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